About us

Dipl.-Ing.DDr. Alexander Mikšovsky

Austrian Patent Attorney (Patentanwalt)
European Patent, Trade Mark and Design Attorney
Sworn Certified Court Expert

Curriculum Vitae 

  • Diploma and Doctorate of Technical Sciences, Technical Physics, Technical University, Vienna, Austria
  • Diploma and Doctorate of Jurisprudence, University of Vienna, Austria
  • Patent Attorney Trainee with Patent Attorneys Kretschmer & Haffner, Vienna, Austria

1991 Registered Representative before the European Patent Office (European Patent Attorney)

1993 Austrian Patent Attorney (Patentanwalt)

1993 – 2010 Founder and Partner of Patentanwälte Mikšovsky & Pollhammer OG

1995 Registered Representative before the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (European Trade Mark and Design Attorney)

2009 Sworn Certified Court Expert

since 2010 Founder and Partner of Patentanwalt Mikšovsky KG

Languages: German, English, French

Memberships: ÖPAK, epi, FICPI, AIPPI, LES, LIDC, ECTA